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I remember that too.
Basically, Julian Foxx blew the whole thing out of proportion.
Style was at a book singing and some fucking retard comes up to him and challenges him to a "pick up" competition...like, what a complete loser.
Next Foxx is basically just following Mystery around the club and FILMING him, again, what a fucking loser.
This Julian Fox looks like the biggest retard on the earth. I'd like to hook this guys leg to my car and drag him down the street.
He owned mystery!
Style's a bitch and he backed away, saying it was weird, the only thing that's weird is mystery method.
One guy has a furry hat on doing magic tricks in clubs the other guy is completely bald signing books about the guy doing magic tricks in clubs! That's fucking weird!
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probably not his real name either, as usual
As everyone said Neil would never do a pick-up challenge, because he's smart and he knows that probably Julian would use it in his favor, then Mystery as a retard accepts it and even if he only made one mistake probably Julian would focus on that mistake.
Yet Julian only approached once and acted like a retard with his "that's my cellphone " opener
and managed to pull her ? Smells like bullshit to me, sure he has good looks he probably pulls but common it's very weird that a girl that was picked on 2 mins before would be so open to be picked up again by a retard that's pulling her cellphone from her hands.
He is a scammer. He edited the video, and filmed all the bad things. If this guy feels the need to put some guys down, and then use lame marketting techniques on his newsletters for then selling his amazing product...
He is a big scammer. A big lameass! holy christ.
Which i could rate
I am still no supernatural...
I am just a seducer.
The Slap was more an IOI than a slapp. Girls loves to touch my cheek. Also pay attention how she slowly slides her hand down his neck. ROFL... a slap you say? I say IOI!
When i say something funny, goofey, or what ever they often tend to give me a friendly cute slap in the face on my cheek because i got big cute cheeks.
In my opinion Johnny the Troll is making a good point here.
I asked Mr. Sleazy 2 to get some infield footage.
He refused that, he's is involved now, and wants to protects his privacy. Also most of the video's are staged, and no1 will believe it.
So actually 3 good reasons, why it's impossible to get infield footage from Mr. Sleazy himself.
He tells me that people used his stuff, and had good results with it. That's a good thing. So I offered my help to make an infield video using the techniques of Mr. Sleazy under supervision of the author himself.
I am not a real clubber, I love daygame. Still I am a selfconfident guy, I probably could do it. And I will do my best, and get an official involved to declare the infield footage is for real. A real famous journalist would be okay by that, or else they would loose their credibility. I am quite well connected to some media. So could be done actually. All journalist want to fuck you up anyway. So if they write something positive, that would be some proof.
Only then there was the good reason of a fan of his, I wanted to get more popular by using the popularity of Mr. Sleazy. And Mr. Sleazy suggested I was only interested in money and exposure.
He's not really interested in that.
So lot's of reasons, why it can't be done.
Anyway can anyone post some infield stuff using Mr. Sleazy's method? I am still like. "Hey, if this stuff really that good, good men could get helped with it. Seeing is believing for most men. I just want to tell men, there is help available if they need it. They can choose for themselves if they want to buy/invest something or not"
I am offering a free spy pen for anyone who post real infield footage of him and girls on this forum. Using the techiques described by 60 or Mr. Sleazy.
Of course if you have any tips, how we would know this is not staged, are welcome. There still we people who'r saying it's staged I am sure. Still we can make an effort, so it's harder?
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You think EVERYONE'S a scammer, because you sit behind your computer all day writing about how much you hate everything. Have you been outside in the last few months?
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Isn't that what Aaron SLeazeball does?
Bags other people, trying to set himself as trustworthy and an authority and then puts in a plug for his book of scam reports in the ebook designed to 'debunk' the community?
Someone should make an ebook titled: Debunking Aaron Sleazeball